~Taking the Love of God to the Streets Since 2012~
Mark and Tracy Vaughan both had an 18yr career with LA County before God called them both into full-time ministry. They often say "First, God joined us together, and then He called us into full-time ministry. We were joined together with a godly chemistry."
In 2011, God blessed Tracy to write a play called "The Stranger". The play is based on Matthew 25:35-40. Tracy was so excited about the play, since she had never written a play before. Soon after she wrote the play, she heard God say to her, "Now, I want you to go out to do what I have blessed you to write about". Being newlyweds, she asked God to talk to her husband Mark (and He did). Long story short, Mark and Tracy both left their careers behind to follow what they believed God put in their hearts, to go serve the "Least of Them." And now, they are the founders of Love On Purpose Outreach Ministries Inc. LOP.
In 2012, God gave them the name "Love On Purpose (LOP) and they started the "brown bag project" with 12 sack lunches in hand, a case of water, and a hand full of "Our Daily Bread" devotionals, they headed out to a park. Every Friday they would go out into their community and feed people who were hungry.
In 2013, they started a food pantry ministry at their church (Wayside Christian Church).
In 2014, they launch a "Gospel Cafe". Since Mark is a musician, he was able to bring some of his musician friends together to put an amazing band together (Desert Reign), and their church provided the venue, and every Friday they were able to offer a night of live music, food, and an open mic to the community, all for FREE!
In 2015, they started a shoes, socks, and salvation outreach ministry, where they would go out into their community and offer to wash the feet of the homeless, give them new shoes and socks, and pray for them (Many accepted Jesus and were presented with a "Rebirth certificate).
In 2016, 2 mobile shower units were donated to their ministry, and they started a shower program for the homeless. With this program, they are able to meet the needs of their unhoused neighbors, to give them a fresh start and to help them live with dignity.
In 2017, they partnered with Grace Resources to offer showers and AV Community Clinic to offer hot meals (Tasty Tuesday) every Tuesday. Their ministry was also blessed to partner with Salvation Army to open a homeless shelter (the only shelter in the AV at the time). They created programs and support for the individuals served there.
In 2019, they leveraged community partners to bring mobile services for the homeless to their community such as a mobile medical team, mobile hair care, along with their mobile showers, where these services are desperately needed to meet the unhoused where they are. With their community partners they were able to secure a 4-year grant from LA-Co-DMH so that these services would be sustainable. In this same year, the City of Lancaster Mayor's office donated their shower ministry a truck.
In 2019, LOP was recognized by the 36th District State Assemblyman Tom Lackey, and 5th District LA County Supervisor Katheryn Barger for their outstanding work in the Antelope Valley communities.
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matt. 5:14-16)
To serve the homeless, the under-served, and the most vulnerable with love, dignity, and excellence, with practical solutions, tangible resources and services through strong community partnerships and collaborations to meet them where they are to see transformational evidence that "Love Never Fails." 1Cor. 13:8
Our staff and volunteers are people who have a heart to serve. We have been blessed to meet some beautiful people that doesn't mind going into the highways and the byways to help serve the least of them, to seek and love the lost, to pray for the hopeless, and to offer salvation to the sinner. It has truly been an honor and a privilege to serve with them all.
"The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Luke 10:2
44217 10th Street West, Lancaster, California 93534, United States
Email: loveonpurpose@yahoo.com Information/Message: (877) 792.9743 Ext. 5 501(C)3 Love On Purpose is a 501(C)3 tax exempt organization. All donations are tax-deductible where allowed by law.